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2022 Yılı Matrah ve Vergi Artırımı Kapsamına Alındı

7440 Sayılı Bazı Alacakların Yeniden Yapılandırılmasına ilişkin Kanun Yürürlüğe Girdi

Taxes / Fees / Notices and Others

Mart 2023

Draft General Notification (Serial No: 1) of Law No. 7440 on Restructuring of Certain Receivables has been prepared

Draft General Notification (Serial No: 1) of Law No. 7440 on Restructuring of Certain Receivables has been prepared

Annual Income Tax Return Period Continues

Annual Income Tax Return Period Continues

Obtained by real persons in 2022; Annual income tax return for business income, agricultural income, self-employment income, wage income, real estate capital income (rental income), securities capital income and other earnings and revenues (value increase gain and incidental gains) will be filed between March 1 and 31, 2023. .

Bazı Binek Otomobillerin ÖTV Matrah Aralıkları Değiştirildi